precedence of science on Mulla Sadra
Subject Areas : Islamic theologysayed mohmmad mousavi 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
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Keywords: Transcendent Wisdom, Science venerable, Mulla Sadra, Reason,
Abstract :
Always great philosophers have tried to find superior knowledge. These efforts have led to the emergence of ideas and the school has been aimed at human perfection and happiness. In this article we have tried to rely on Mulla Sadra as the founder of Transcendental Philosophy, as well as special attention to former philosophers and their diverse views, By study the venerable science standards from the perspective of each of their preceding trends, and considering the limitations of rationalism as philosophers, Imitative the words of theologians, no proof of mysticism, limitations and drawbacks of other scientists feel and experience that each of them has arrived, has raised its final Finally, Mulla Sadra believes that the knowledge can be superior to other knowledge, heart and intuition that can combine with reason and argument and confirmed by the revelation and tradition, Puts a human face and it is not possible except through transcendental philosophy.
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