Review and critique the creation of the world in six days
Subject Areas : Traditional theology
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Abstract :
The verses of the Qur'an speak of the creation of the heavens and the earth in six days and sometimes eight days, but modern science considers the process of formation of celestial bodies and earth in long periods of time and does not accept the formation of the universe in a period of time equal to a few days.Thus, many contemporary Qur'anic scholars have deviated from the ostensible and famous understanding of the ancient commentators - that the heavens and the earth were created in a period equivalent to six normal days - and interpreted the interpretation of the "set of days" into six periods and stages.In the meantime, it is also worth noting that in the field of science, it is not possible to refer to something out of nature to explain natural phenomena, and the intervention of a superior occult force is not predictable and calculable, while the Qur'anic expression is based on the presence And the unconditional intervention of a superior and transcendent occult force has been introduced.Thus, since the religious point of view is not limited to the closed presuppositions of science, it will not necessarily be limited to the results of scientific calculations, and it can be concluded that trans-sensory forces have intervened in this field.However, in the present age, experimental knowledge is more respected and valid than such an analysis can ignore its results and data. And in fact, such a view affirms the image of the opposition between the Qur'an and science. As a result, if a promise is to be made, the interpretation of the "set of days" into six times and eras is the only determined and preferred promise.
قرآن کریم.
نهج البلاغه
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