The Relationship between Imamate and Khatamiyya in Imami Theology
Subject Areas : Islamic theology
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Abstract :
One of the fundamental issues in Shiite beliefs is the relationship between Imamate and Khatamiyya; according to the Shiite view, not only is there no incompatibility between Imamate and Khatamiyya, but there is also a connection. The position of Imamate is alongside the position of prophethood, and the purpose of Khatamiyya will not be fulfilled except by Imamate. However, some Sunni scholars and religious intellectuals have criticized this connection. In this study, based on reliable and scholarly documents and with the help of the principle of Khatamiyya, we try to examine, evaluate and criticize the most important doubts raised about the affairs of the Infallible Imam in Shiite theology; including the Imam's relationship with the unseen world, legislative guardianship, the authority of the word and the religious authority of the Imams. The criterion of prophecy is "receiving direct revelation from God" and "independent authority"; this is while the Shiites, on the one hand, consider their Imams to have authority based on the Prophet and through him, and on the other hand, they believe the acquisition of truths by the Imam indirectly through the legacy of the Prophet. By explaining the ambiguities and answering them, it becomes clear that the Shiite approach in interpreting the principle of Khatamiyya, which is reflected in the holy Qur'an, the Prophetic tradition and common sense, is the only approach that justifies Khatamiyya and causes the continuation of the divine mission and guardianship.
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