Master Sobhani and the Ash'arites' views on normative ethics and its limits
Subject Areas : Islamic theologyMaryam Hatami Hossein Abadi 1 , noushin abdi savojiyan 2 * , Enshaallah Rahmati 3
1 - PhD Student, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Faculty of Central Tehran Azad University
3 -
Abstract :
Ethics discusses the great importance of man and proving the continuity of its principles is one of the branches of the issue of admiration and denunciation. The totality and continuity of the principles of ethics does not change with the change of requirements, habits, imitation. The issues of admiration and denunciation are also practical and fundamental issues of ethics, and the differences between the readings and perceptions of good and evil in ethics have created conflicting views. This article uses descriptive-analytical method and using library sources while considering the theoretical foundations of Ash'arites and Master Sobhani about good and bad and its effectiveness to the schools of normative ethics. Ash'arite epistemology regarding the goodness and ugliness of the Shari'a has had several consequences, such as belief in acquisition and obedience instead of creation and production, Ilam, permission to change and not to do it, permission to do so and not to do it, discrimination between human beings in this world and the hereafter, prophecy And infallibility, sending the messenger and its absence, conquest, divine favor to all or some of the servants, even immorality and infidels.On the other hand, Master Sobhani, by pursuing the theory of moral nature and relying on its inherent goodness and ugliness, begins his moral theory with a discussion of normative ethics and generally seeks a military explanation of the rules and principles governing moral actions.
قرآن کریم
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