Testamentary literature in the first two centuries of Hijri
Subject Areas : Islamic theologyTayebeh Ghasemi 1 , Mansour Dadash Nezhad 2 * , Seyed Mohammad Hosseini 3
1 - Phd student in Shi'ite History Department, Qom Branch, University of Religions and Religions, Qom, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of the University and Field Research Institute, Qom Branch, University of Religions and Religions, Qom, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, University of Religions and Religions, Qom Branch, University of Religions and Religions, Qom, Iran.
Keywords: Wasayat, successor of the Prophet, twelve imams, Zaidiyyah, Ismailiyyah.,
Abstract :
After the popular election of the caliph, the efforts of Imam Ali(a.s.)to remind him to return to the commands of the Prophet(s.a.w.)did not bring any benefit,and Imam Ali(a.s.)succeeded to the caliphate after Uthman.During the caliphate period, he addressed this issue again in his appeals. The issue of inheritance after Imam Ali(a.s.)was still in the spotlight during the time of Hasnain(a.s.),and people were reminded that after the Ashura incident,during the time of Imam Sajjad(a.s.),the Zaidiyyah political and intellectual movement was formed in the atmosphere of taqiyyah of the Imam.And they accepted the imamate of Imam Ali (a.s.) from the hidden text and the Imamate of Hasnain (a.s.) from the open text. In the era of Imam Baqro, Imam Sadiq (a.s.), many efforts were made for the issue of inheritance. and with the selection of Ismail as Imam's successor,they set a new trend in Shia.After Sadiqin,peace be upon him,due to the importance of this issue and Shia's special interest in establishing its example, the belief in succession became widespread in Shia.The role of determination The guardian in the political and intellectual developments of Shia,this research was intended to take into account the question that How has the idea of guardianship traveled in the age of Imams(peace be upon them)and what feedback has it had in historical sources?By using historical and sectarian sources as well as narrative sources,to investigate the existence of guardianship in the era of Hazrat Ahl al-Bayt and the work of the Kurds and its implications.and how to spread it.
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