A Study on the Basis of Giving Permission for Cooperation of Shiites with Non-Shiite Governments of Iran
Subject Areas : Islamic theologyHojjat Rahimi 1 , Feyzollah BooshasbGoosheh 2 * , Mohammad Dashti 3
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3 - Assistant Professor, Department of history, Najaf Abad branch, Islamic Azad university, Najaf Abad
Keywords: Political cooperation, Shiism, non-Shia government, Sharia permission, social political order. ,
Abstract :
In diverse periods of Iran's history, especially during the occultation, the Shia community did not have access to the Hidden Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi, (AjllallahTaaliFarjah Al-Sharif) and the ruling political systems of that era were either Sunni, or if they were Shia, they did not have the approval of Imam Mahdi (A) and were considered as cruel and oppressive governments. The issue of Shia cooperation with these governments and what and why this cooperation happened, has become one of the significant subjects of Shia political thought. The Shia scholars. due to the support of the Shia people and the provision of cultural diffusion, decided to facilitate cooperation with non-Shia governments and justified it through the Sharia. The present paper examines this opinion in the words of Imams and Islamic Jurists and made the best use of descriptive-analytical as well as library research method. The findings show that the disapproval of oppressive rulers has always been one of the basic principles of Imams’ blessed life; and If a connection was seen, it was definitely associated with the opposition to those cruel rulers and also the defense of the Shia. This very idea has caused the development of a kind of social political order and provided the necessary means for the presence and cooperation of Shiites in the non-Shiite governments of Iran.
قرآن کریم.
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