Purgatory life, Hearing the voice of the living by the dead, comparison of opinions of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya with the viewpoint of Wahhabism
Subject Areas : Islamic theology
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Keywords: Purgatory life, Hearing the voice of the living by the dead, Ibn Taymiyyah , Ibn Qayyim , Wahhabism,
Abstract :
Purgatory life and related issues are linked with some Islamic traditions like Tawassul, Supplication from the souls of the righteous, and Visiting the graves. With emphasizing Purgatory life of the dead, majority of Muslims also accept Hearing the voice of the living by the dead that is the base for Tawassul and supplication from the souls of the righteous. Similar opinions of Ibn Taymiyah and Wahhabism in opposition to Tawassul and supplication, are associated with Consensus of Wahhabism and its predecessors about Purgatory life. But after analysis of opinions of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Qayyim on one hand, and Wahhabism on the other hand we see a clear difference of opinions about Purgatory life and related issues such as Hearing the voice of the living by the dead. Ibn Taymiyyah in brief, and Ibn Qayyim in detail believe in Purgatory life and Hearing the voice of the living by the dead. However Wahhabism believes in limited Purgatory life and considers Not to Hear the voice of the living by the dead as the main principle. So this question remains; How Wahhabism claims to follow Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Qayyim about the issues of Purgatory life and Hearing the voice of the living by the dead, and how Wahhabism goes beyond its predecessors and disagrees with the majority of Muslims about these issues, and even disagrees with its Sheikhs.
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