introduction and research of treatise on the definition of theology in Dawani
Subject Areas : Islamic theology
1 - Islamic Azad University
Keywords: Dawani researchers , the definition of theology, manuscript, old version, full power,
Abstract :
Dawani researchers treatis is a commentary on the discussion definition of theology in Sharh Mavaghef.Mir Seyyed Sharif offers five subject.Dawani describe them and draw backs on imports .some bugs have been proposed answeres. According to Dawani believe , the meaning of power is the science of knowledges that can able to give them reasons and dismiss doubts. In other words, the theologian someone who confirmation of all beliefs along with the preparation for the rest of means of reasoning and the ways of eliminating the doubts as it was required. Dawani researchers are continuing to review the definition of Taftazani in Almaghased deals.The correction ahead of old manuscripts and tried to be valid.including two versions of contemporary life,a version ooes back to the time of life
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