The aesthetic image of the role of a monotheistic educational model
Subject Areas : Islamic theology
1 - University of Tehran
Keywords: Quranic Quranic Conceptualism, Conceptualization of Education, Reconstruction of the Punitive Trinitarian Model.,
Abstract :
From the perspective of the Qur'an, the way to achieve the happiness of the world and the Hereafter is to follow the pattern of monotheistic education. Quran expresses the main purpose of creation as the cultivation of man. And for this purpose, the road map has been determined, in which rules, paths, methods and methods are determined and how to achieve the goal through full patterns. The monotheistic education model in the form of society has depicted general features, a complete individual, and sometimes depicted with a particular attribute of a person, and who has been discouraged by ) On the other hand, it is applied in applied science, which uses fundamental sciences, epistemology, theology, anthropology, valueology, psychology, sociology, philosophy, theology, and jurisprudence. And it's not limited to worldly science. Based on this argument, the training takes place. And the concept of education from the root of "Rabo" in the Quran is limited in scope. But from the root of the "rebab" has a wide and wide range. And "Rabbit Verbiate" plays a decisive role in interacting with the monotheistic world. Because of its gravity, it has a total lack of ownership and modesty. And the only creator can be paste. In this realistic depiction, education from the perspective of the Qur'an, the recognition of the Creator, the Owner and the Immortal, the acceptance of Him as the only Passover and the act of His commandments and His will, which is the same religion. After all, The affairs are guided through full patterns..unscrupulous patterns, tends to monotheism toward a monotheistic worldview.
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