Effect of Sin on the Result of Natural Disasters in the Viewpoint of Islam
Subject Areas : Islamic theologymohammad rasul ahangaran 1 , seyed mohammad hoseini pour 2
1 - Tehran University
2 -
Keywords: Abrahamic religions, natural disasters, sin, catching, exploitation.,
Abstract :
From the viewpoints of the followers of the Abrahamic religions according to the Qur'an and Holy book, one of the causes of the fall of natural disasters is sin. This is while the controversial hypothesis from the materialists indicates the impact of material factors on natural events and rejects the claims of the religiousists. In this paper, while reviewing these two views and explaining the non-conflict between the two theories about the cause of natural disasters, the existence of a meaningful relationship between sin and natural disasters in the Abrahamic processions was investigated and then, using quranic verses, different dimensions of this relationship were described in Islam. Is. Finally, from the point of view of Qur'an, it was proved that sin is a major non-monotheistic cause for the remediation of natural disasters and its scope is not tied to a specific time and place; however, this relationship is not subject to all sins, and in the case of the great sins of slander and unreliable sins committed to The face-off is possible. Of course, the above relation is a hindrance, and these types of punishments may be faded or postponed for reasons such as repentance, exile, and divine providence.
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