Utilization of Ontology Approach in Monotheistic Pedagogy from the Holy Qurans point of View
Subject Areas : Islamic theology
Seyyedeh Tahereh Aghamiri
Mohammad Reza Shahroodi
Majid Salehi
Mohammad Safehian
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2 - University of Tehran
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Abstract :
According to instruction s of Holy Quran -as the most verified resources for recognition of glorious God-, monotheism is the principal of humans real life while blasphemy stands on the opposite point of it, is considered as the biggest cruelty and the unforgivable sin. Monotheistic ontology -by taking advantages of inspirational instruction- is a useful opponent and a substitution for positivistic, materialistic and nihilistic ontologies. These sorts of ontologies are not capable of introducing human’s pedagogy as they have diminished the fact of minor and major universes into the limitations of natural horizons and materialistic world. If the pedagogy of theist human establishes based on monotheistic ontology, human is considered as a theist living who identifies his external and internal aspects in a complete manner. The main issue with this study is to describe the elements of ontology that are related to human guide and pedagogy in order to reach the perfection and a good life, promised in Holy Quran. Through this paper, critical principals of monotheistic ontology considering “theology and cosmology” field are studied that are accounted as monotheistic pedagogy. The claims of some interpreters and ideologists of religious science and inspired scripts to confirm the properness and adaptation of descriptive and prescriptive ontological propositions with Quran instructions. Based on the results of this study, God -as the source and start point of all goodness- and the universe is the sign of truth and the situation in where the human faces the truth of God. In order to this, intrinsic need of human reveals in several stages of intrinsic, descriptive and performative monotheism. The result of this research is the true perception and understanding of a human about his position in the universe as a creator-dependent creature whose achievement to perfection and God, accelerates and sublimates, with consideration of lordship monotheism.
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