An Explanation of Bliss on Organizational Management from the Perspective of Islamic teachings
Subject Areas : Ethnic, social and governance issues
1 - Department of Management, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch, Saveh, Iran
Abstract :
We, the Muslims, believe to the God as the only creator and ruler and general governor of the cosmos. We are also believer that his words(in QURAN )is the last sent message to human beings , which is sent to prophet Mohammad as a role model of humankind and receiver of revelation and after him followed by innocent IMAMS to direct people for reaching to the perfectionism and the best way of life. However, concerning the mentioned points by leader of IRAN Ayatollah Khamenei about paying attention to art and social, it is great to note that international re-Searchers in management and social have gained some fantastic results in relation with humankind behavior and environment that is used in organismic and social affairs, whereas the most important parts of these findings are available in general principles of ISLAM that whit applying these aforesaid principles we can provide felicity in both material and spiritual aspects for human beings. Naturally its task of Islamic speculative and researchers. Hence, it would be the trouble of researchers that how to accommodate organismic and social affairs to Islamic principles? How to change the manpower’s conception as the most important part of an organization coincidental with applying Islamic doctrines? In this Article by using of hermeneutics methods , alongside the interpretation of QURAN and academic sources of management, we tried to coordinate the role of human-power and management methods with the philosophy of creation, and meantime we tried to clear the way of accede to commonweal and evince whatever has been found or will be found in new sciences, is intangible in Islamic principles and profoundly attention and enough focus is required to form capacity about this case in people and we can come to conclude that it is the GREATNESS OF ISLAM.
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