Inquiry on the semantic hermeneutics of the translation of some words of Surah Al-Imran according to the commentators of the advanced centuries
Subject Areas : Islamic theologyesmaeil hashemi 1 , seyed mohammad ali ayazi 2 * , Mohammad Hosein Tavanaei sareh 3 , Mahdi Mehrizi toroghi 4
1 - phd student in the field of Qur'anic and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Sciences, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
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Keywords: Qur'an, translation criteria, advanced translators, apparent meaning, multiple meanings, hermeneutics,
Abstract :
strong objections to the translation of the Qur'an after the age of revelation and its limitation and conditioning within the framework of the apparent and literal meaning on the one hand and the formation of the first translations of this holy book in the old Persian language on the other hand; This brought to mind the important issues that the commentators and translators of the early centuries have translated the verses of the Qur'an, especially the words and terms of Surah Al-Imran, with what bases and standards in that atmosphere of prohibition and inappropriateness of translation? And is it possible to get to the layers of meanings of the verses by only relying on the apparent meanings and provide a suitable translation to the audience of the Qur'an that can meet the needs of contemporary people in line with the global mission of the Qur'an? In this article, using the analytical-descriptive method, and using the most reliable sources of the translation of the Qur'an into ancient Persian, this issue has been investigated and explained based on the theory of semantic hermeneutics. The analyzes show that although the previous commentators and translators have used important and different methods in translating the Word of Revelation; But what has made the rank and position of these works great and has played an effective role in conveying the message and concepts of the verses, is their attention to multi-meaning perceptions - semantic hermeneutics - in the translation of Quranic words and terms; An issue that challenges the theory of the literalness of Quran translations in the first ten centuries after the Age of Revelation; But it has been neglected by scholars and Quranic thinkers.
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