Takfir hypocrites
Subject Areas : Islamic theology
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Keywords: Quran, hadiths, Islam, faith, takfir, hypocrite,
Abstract :
The issue of takfir is more theological than jurisprudential and its origin is also a belief. . In the beginning of Surah Al-Baqarah, God has divided people into three groups: believers, infidels, and hypocrites, and for the complexity of the character of hypocrites, he has paid attention to their characteristics. (Fazha) is an acquittal because the beginning of it is God's hatred of polytheists, repentance is because in this surah there is a lot of talk about repentance, and it is called (Fazha) because different verses of it express scandal. And the shame of the hypocrites and the veiling of their beliefs and actions. In this research, it is investigated whether a hypocrite is an infidel and outside of Islam? Or does blasphemy have a general meaning? (Hiding the truth) Some believe that external Islam is enough for a person to be a Muslim, and inner faith is not necessary. From this point of view, a hypocrite is a Muslim and can inherit and marry a non-Muslim. Others believe that the mental concentration of Islam is his inner faith and beliefs, and external Islam is not enough. As a result, a hypocrite is a disbeliever, the rulings and effects of disbelief apply to him, and the right to citizenship in the Islamic society is taken away from him, and he has eternal punishment in the hereafter. However, in the field of behavior and actions such as hypocrisy, it is different from the term kufr and it does not mean leaving Islam.
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