The perfection of the religion of Islam from the perspective of reason and the Qur'an
Keywords: Religion, perfect Islam, perfect religion, Sharia,
Abstract :
Man's need for religion in today's world and an approach to spirituality is an important development that encourages free-thinking and knowledge-hungry people to seek and be more curious to attain religion.
What is important in this is to know the complete religion from among the religions that the followers of each of them call out the rightness of their religion and introduce it as the most complete laws and religions.
In this article, an attempt has been made to examine the completeness of Islam compared to other religions from two different rational and narrative approaches. In the first approach, by referring to pure rational reasons, which is the extra-religious view or, in other words, the philosophical view of religion, the completeness The religion of Islam should be proved compared to other religions, and in the second approach, this matter should be proved by a detailed study of the Quranic verses and a brief study of Islamic narrations.
At the end, with the proof of the perfection of the Islamic religion compared to other religions, only one religion remains as the true religion, and the scroll of religious pluralism is removed, and the following of the Islamic religion is for all people who are thirsty for knowledge and in search of the true religion, according to the ruling of reason and narration. It becomes obligatory.
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