A new look at the nature and structure of the legislative miracle of the holy Quran
Subject Areas : Islamic theologyAbdolreza Alipour 1 , seyyed hosein vaezi 2 * , mohammad reza shamshiri 3
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Keywords: Quran, legislative miracle, educational collection, being uneducated,
Abstract :
The legislative miracle of the Quran is one of the content miracles of the holy Quran that some interpreters have emphasized. In the common and older definition that has been discussed in the definition of the types of miracles, the legislative miracle is defined as »the collection of rules and laws of the holy Quran in the individual and social fields of human life to the extent that is a sign of the divine nature of the Holy Quran that neither can be violated, nor it is possible to issue it from an uneducated person«. This article aims to, after criticizing and reviewing some point of views presented on the legislative miracle of the Quran, with a new definition and approach that presents about the legislative miracle, to show that the Quran's legislative miracle is not only for issuing such laws from an uneducated person, but also this type of understanding causes the miracle of the Quran to be reduced. Therefore, by passing of the indulgent definitions of legislative miracles in the writing of Quran scholars, the author's intention from legislative and educational teachings is to take a new look at the relationships between the knowledge and the laws of the Quran and their role in the durability and promotion to the level of miracles. In this research, we find out that the reason for the legislative miracle of the Qur'an is the creation of a network of Quranic knowledge, which manages all human problems to the end of human life, from small to the large, and has characteristics such as being comprehensive, eternal, and variable, and this collection of knowledges has characteristics such as being continuous, interwoven, dynamic and changing over time, having a general plan in all aspects of human life and being general, community-oriented and inclusive. The meaning of knowledge in this article is all the teachings of the Quran, including ethics, historical laws and propositions, and among these, and the apparent contradiction that was discussed among the stated attributes about the Quran's educational collection can be easily summed up and resolved which has been dealt with in the text.
قرآن کریم
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