Theological foundations for the theory of guardianship of the jurist
Subject Areas : Islamic theology
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Keywords: the guardianship of the jurist, the guardianship of Allah SWT, Divine lordship, Divine wisdom, Imamate, theology ,
Abstract :
According to the theological arguments, guardianship and authority in its origin belongs to Allah SWT. He is the creator, the Lord, the Guardian of the whole existence. Therefor authority or guardianship of anyone else is illicit, unless the one that is permitted by Him. Having authority over others without His permission is regarded to be unacceptable, false, oppression and transgressing other people’s rights. This guardianship of Allah SWT is manifested as a divine Grace by sending of the prophets and is maintained by the infallible Imams. Since divine Grace is one of the attributes of Allah SWT and His attributes are not subject to alteration, this wise Grace is to be constant at the time of occultation as well. Here the necessity of the guardianship of the jurists as the closest people to the attributes of the infallible Imams and the most trustworthy one’s to handle the tempting position of leadership, in order to protect and continue the course of Imamate and guidance, is comprehended. This also seems to be a necessary Grace from Allah SWT.
1. قرآن کریم.
2. اراكي، محسن، (1413ق)، الولاية الالهية و ولاية الفقيه، مجمع¬الفكر الاسلامي، چاپ اوّل، قم.
3. امام خميني، سید روح الله، (بیتا)، کتاب البيع، مؤسّسه¬ي اسماعيليان، بیچا، قم.
4. ــــــــــ، (1318ق)، المکاسب المحرمة، المطبعة العلميّة، بیچا، قم.
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23. مطهري، مرتضي، (1373ش)، امامت و رهبري، انتشارات صدرا، بیچا، تهران.
منتظري، حسينعلي، (1378ق)، البدرالزّاهر، چاپخانهي حكمت، بیچا، قم.