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        1 - A Research on the Denial of “Religious Ḍarūrī” and Its Implications in the Imāmiyyah School
        behnam abasi Hussein   Saberi Seyyed Mahmoud   Mirnourbakhsh
        <p>The denial of Ḍarūrī (the essential component of religion) or Ghayr-i-Ḍarūrī (the non-essential component of religion) from among the rules which have certainly been issued by the Prophet of Islām and Imāms (peace upon them) is not incompatible with partial acceptanc More
        <p>The denial of Ḍarūrī (the essential component of religion) or Ghayr-i-Ḍarūrī (the non-essential component of religion) from among the rules which have certainly been issued by the Prophet of Islām and Imāms (peace upon them) is not incompatible with partial acceptance of religion and does not cause the loss of faith in Allāh and the Prophet of Islām and does not lead to disbelief. If there is mutual incompatibility between one&rsquo;s denial of Ḍarūrī and his/her partial acceptance of religion (which is one of the clearest evidences of disbelief), he/she is considered to be an unbeliever; otherwise, he/she is not regarded so. Contemporary jurists do not believe in single-case causality for people&rsquo;s denial of Ḍarūrī and issuing decree on their apostasy whether in terms of religion or of a particular religious school; one who rejects Ḍarūrī of Shi&lsquo;ite school is considered a non-Shi&lsquo;ite Muslim, and the commands of Muslims are carried out upon him/her. The method of research in this article is descriptive-analytical.</p> Manuscript profile