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        1 - Ruling Divorce: Quranic Principles and Reasons
        Seyyed MohammadKazem  Hoseini Faezeh  Moghtadaee
        Women's Rights and the Issue of Women's Rights in Divorce in the commentaries on verses 228 to 241 of Surah Al-Baqarah, there are common concepts and interpretations between Shiite and Sunni jurists. The two well-known concepts of abstinence in the interpretations of th More
        Women's Rights and the Issue of Women's Rights in Divorce in the commentaries on verses 228 to 241 of Surah Al-Baqarah, there are common concepts and interpretations between Shiite and Sunni jurists. The two well-known concepts of abstinence in the interpretations of the differences refer to the divorce of the Shari'a and the right of a woman to divorce in times of hardship. The famous word is used 38 times in the Holy Quran, 15 of which are related to family and marriage. In verses 228 to 241 of Surah Al-Baqarah, the famous word is repeated 12 times and emphasizes the importance of rulings such as' iddah, divorce, breastfeeding, etc., so that it does not exceed the shari'ah limits and is treated according to the famous (confirmation of sharia and custom). The legal provisions of the Civil Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran are also taken from the verses related to divorce and include the well-known principles in women's rights and divorce and allow the rulers to issue a divorce decree if the conditions for this type of divorce are approved. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Criticism of Mrs. Lambton's argument on the development of the doctrine of infallibility among Shiites
        aezzoddin rezanejad MAYSAM DARGAHI
        Immunity of Imamat is among old issues in words of Islamic. Inspite of its abundant emphasises and argumentations and presume as divine office along with prophecy, it is still target of literati's spates and doubts, so that recently Miss Lambton, with the claim of studi More
        Immunity of Imamat is among old issues in words of Islamic. Inspite of its abundant emphasises and argumentations and presume as divine office along with prophecy, it is still target of literati's spates and doubts, so that recently Miss Lambton, with the claim of studing historical Shia's thought, try to introduce the issue of Imamat's infallible leaders as lack of historical origin, and presents it as the result of exaggeration in exaggerator's believes. In second century' s recent with a little adjustment gradually has been Shia's dominent thought by Shia theologians. She claims that believe in Imam's immunity couldn't attribute to any Imams, companions f Imams and even the whole Shia in the first century. Analysis of the mentioned claim and it's presented evidence shows lack of true and rational analysis of evolution of Shia's intellectual principle. Its analysis and criticizing shows that she has confused between evolutionary process in Shia's intellectual principle and development in intellectual principle from summary to detail. The aim of this research is to know Miss lambton's confusing and error with disquisition in her words and phrases in the book of government and regimen in Islam. Attaining this aim is feasible in the shade of exact analysis and discription of her words and her orientalist' s fellow with collecting datas in library. The result is proving her's confusing and error in understanding Shia's theology thoughts and its defenders. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Examining the role of emerging religious movements in creating spiritual challenges in Iranian society
        mansour dayani SayyedHossain Vaezi akbar goli.malekabadi
        <p>Due to his truth-seeking nature, man has made a huge effort to convince himself of knowledge, which is the result of these four knowledges: science, art, philosophy and mysticism. Among these teachings, mysticism is considered one of the most popular teachings. An ac More
        <p>Due to his truth-seeking nature, man has made a huge effort to convince himself of knowledge, which is the result of these four knowledges: science, art, philosophy and mysticism. Among these teachings, mysticism is considered one of the most popular teachings. An achievement that some people have considered as a way to achieve the truth of a promise, another as an excuse to achieve their goals. The purpose of this article is to examine the role of human knowledge under the title of emerging spiritualities in creating temporary and spiritual challenges in society. This research, which was carried out by descriptive analytical method and using library resources, seeks to briefly introduce, express the goals and objectives of emerging spiritualities and explain the danger of such pseudo-mystics for the Taliban of true mysticism. mysticisms that have targeted the real power components of society. Also, this article has paid attention to the introduction of true mysticism and the place of man. It must be said that presenting the correct understanding of true knowledge prevents the mystics and apparent mystics from being able to attack the tent of divine knowledge and its Taliban with the white flag of mystical deception, and place their non-mystics instead of mystics in the hearts and minds of the unacquainted Taliban. The results of the research show that behind the curtain of newly emerging religious movements in Iranian society, there are unlucky intentions, the promoters of these spiritualities are unwarranted and deceitful people, destroying beliefs, promoting corruption instead of mysticism, legitimizing corruption and disobedience instead of spirituality are among the actions that the supporters of these movements in They follow between disciples and society.</p> Manuscript profile
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        4 - Comparative study of rationalism in Mu'tazila and New Mu'tazila thought
        zeinab shafavi Aziz  Javan pour Heravi Tavakkol Kohi Beigloo
        <p>Mu'tazila are a group of Islamic theologians who fully believe in the originality of reason and consider theoretical reason to rule over revealed teachings. This principle has had effects on the whole intellectual system and their religious beliefs and has given a sp More
        <p>Mu'tazila are a group of Islamic theologians who fully believe in the originality of reason and consider theoretical reason to rule over revealed teachings. This principle has had effects on the whole intellectual system and their religious beliefs and has given a special understanding of monotheism and divine justice. The New Mu'tazila movement is one of the most important theological movements in the Islamic world. This movement finds its origin in the opinions of the old Mu'tazilies and seeks to renew the epistemological foundation of Islam. This group considers reason to be sacred and they believe that reason has limitations and man needs revelation to understand the truths of the world. These two schools of thought have many intellectual commonalities and differences, which justifies the necessity of applying the concept of rationalism; Therefore, this research is trying to compare the Mu'tazila and New Mu'tazila intellectual approaches using the descriptive-analytical method and show their intellectual similarities and differences. The findings of the research show that Mu'tazila and Neo-Mu'tazila generally have similarities in philosophising, the five principles, monotheism and justice, promise and promise, and status between al-Mazlatin and the well-known and forbidding evil, the accidental nature of the Qur'an, beauty and ugliness, but in concepts such as the type of rationalism, mechanism Rationalism and some rational foundations have distinctions.</p> Manuscript profile