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        1 - Criticism of Darmstadter's historical approach in Mahdavi studies
        Mostafa  SalimKhani Mohsen  EhteshamiNia Mohammad Reza  Aram
        <p>Mahdism is one of the Islamic beliefs that has attracted the attention of Orientalists and Western researchers in the last 150 years. The subject of "Mahdism in Islam" and more specifically "Shia's view of Mahdism" has received almost equal attention from Western res More
        <p>Mahdism is one of the Islamic beliefs that has attracted the attention of Orientalists and Western researchers in the last 150 years. The subject of "Mahdism in Islam" and more specifically "Shia's view of Mahdism" has received almost equal attention from Western researchers and writers. One of the most important damages and destructions that have many effects and consequences in the field of Mahdism is the distortions created by Orientalists. Unfortunately, for various reasons, Orientalists did not have accurate and correct information about Mahdism, and for this reason, many of their opinions are superficial or with many problems; Because the source of many orientalists of this period in this matter is from second-hand sources (such as Darmstetter) or even public hearings (such as Gobineau), which of course are not very reliable. Biasedly or without referring to original sources, they present materials in the name of religion and Mahdism, and after that, some people have dealt scientifically with their materials and articles and considered it a scientific and research work without any flaws. They consider it a flaw and use it in their books and articles. This approach can have consequences, the most important of which is that non-Islamic communities stay away from authentic Islamic content in general and Mahdism in particular, which is the subject of our discussion, and create doubt or hatred among the uninformed believers. Therefore, in this research, we intend to investigate Darmstetter's historical approach in Mahdavi studies using a descriptive-analytical method.</p> Manuscript profile