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        1 - Examining "Lo La Fatimah" narration from verbal view point
        ali emamifar
        One of the blights of religious and religiosity is the issue of exaggeration about the prophets and religious diviners and leaders. This issue has been in previous religions and Allah has interdicted it in Holly Quran. The infallible Imams have fought against it as well More
        One of the blights of religious and religiosity is the issue of exaggeration about the prophets and religious diviners and leaders. This issue has been in previous religions and Allah has interdicted it in Holly Quran. The infallible Imams have fought against it as well. In our time, fighting against this blight is one of the bonds of religious scholars and sages. Narration is one of the ways through which exaggeration infiltrates into religion. The famed following phrase is among the exaggerated narrations from the Holly Prophet Mohammad "upon him and his family be pray and peace" from Allah: Ahmad, if you had not existed, I would not have created the existence. If Ali had not existed, I would not have created you and if Fatimah had not existed, I would not have created you both. By precise examination, it was revealed that firstly; this narration does not hold a well-ground documentation and source. Secondly, in terms of content and significance, it holds serious flaws as well, since the mentioned phrase contains three parts, The first part (narrated by Shi'a), (if you had not existed, I would not have created the existence), is validated with accurate verses and narrations and common sense and the Sunni, but the other two parts is contradictive with Holly Quran, the Sunni and the common sense and consequently is not acceptable. Some has endeavored in order to justify it in one way or another. We have examined the justifications as well and it was clarified that the mentioned justifications from these two parts of the narration are unacceptable. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - How Zaydiyya evolved into Imamiyya in Tabarestan based on beliefs
        ali emamifar Seyed Mahmoud  Samani mostafa soltani
        Zaydiyya is the name of a sect that split from the Shiites and was formed after the uprising of Zayd ibn Ali in Kufa (122 AH). This sect has experienced evolution in its life. The developments that took place with the formation of the Zaidi government in Tabarestan and More
        Zaydiyya is the name of a sect that split from the Shiites and was formed after the uprising of Zayd ibn Ali in Kufa (122 AH). This sect has experienced evolution in its life. The developments that took place with the formation of the Zaidi government in Tabarestan and Deylam. But this rule did not last for some reason and the Zaydi religion also disappeared with more distance and time and gave way to the Imams. The question is, what were the causes and factors of this change? The subject of this work is the study of the causes of this change of religion by referring to the original Zaydi texts and describing and analyzing them to explain the causes. It seems that besides various reasons, the most important reason for this is the heterogeneity of the intellectual and belief system, including: Imamate (Mahdism, the quality of choosing an Imam, the permission of the Imamate of several Imams at the same time) and other beliefs that arise from this, such as Bringing to Etzal and Hanafi jurisprudence, as well as important issues such as disbelief and practice of taqiyyah, moral corruption and their behavior, and leaving the Islamic world, provided the ground for the extinction of Zaydiyya in Tabarestan. Manuscript profile