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        1 - Religion version from the Baha'i point of view, investigating and criticizing the point of view with emphasis on the fifth verse of Surah As-Sajdah
        ali khalaji ali ghanbari amir khalili
        Khatamiyyat is one of the most important and common principles between all Islamic sects, including Shiites and Sunnis, and based on it, all Muslims believe that Muhammad ibn Abdullah (PBUH) is the last prophet and that God sent him as a messenger or prophet to guide hu More
        Khatamiyyat is one of the most important and common principles between all Islamic sects, including Shiites and Sunnis, and based on it, all Muslims believe that Muhammad ibn Abdullah (PBUH) is the last prophet and that God sent him as a messenger or prophet to guide human beings and religion. The misinterpretation of the meaning of the word "Ya'ruju" in the fifth verse of Surah As-Sajdah, which is considered to mean "removal and abrogation of the religion", has raised the question of what is the basis for the interpretation of the verse in Baha'i texts? Furthermore, what is it difference with the interpretation of commentators of Islamic sects? The purpose of this article is to critique one of the Baha'i claims. Achieving this goal is possible through the descriptive-analytical method as well as collecting information through the library research method. After a precise Literal and idiological analysis of abrogation, the Baha'i claim about the abrogation of religion is dealt with. The interpretation that "Ya'ruju" means abrogation and abrogation means cancellation is a contemplative and incorrect interpretation, and its interpreters seem to have confused the literal meaning of abrogation with its idiomatic meaning, which results in the abrogation of the original and the essence of the previous religions and decree on the invalidity of their laws; while Islamic commentators are not bound to follow this result. Manuscript profile