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    • List of Articles ادله

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Infallibility from Allame Tabatabai's point of view
        Abbas  Asad Abadi
        This writing is intended to discuss the issue of the prophets' infallibility from the point of view of Allamah Taba'-e-Baha'i, centered on the interpretation of the meaning of Al-Mizan, and the explanation and implications of this great Imam's commentator in this regard More
        This writing is intended to discuss the issue of the prophets' infallibility from the point of view of Allamah Taba'-e-Baha'i, centered on the interpretation of the meaning of Al-Mizan, and the explanation and implications of this great Imam's commentator in this regard. This great commentator has followed the question of infallibility: one from the point of view of the implications of the Qur'anic verses and the other Which has been raised with the distortion of the signification of the verses concerning the infallibility of the prophets. Consideration of the Prophet Taba'tabi verses: Fath: 1 and 2, toubah: 32, p. 82 and 83, nesa` : 64, ahzaab : 33, anbiah: 27-26, signification It is clear on the verses of the prophets that some of the verses mentioned have been mentioned or other verses for negating and defamation of infallibility. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Critique of Ash'arite Quranic arguments about seeing God based on the views of Allama Helli and Allama Tabatabaie
        farahnaz razmi Nafiseh  FayazBakhsh Babak  Abbasi علیرضا  دارابی
        The topic of seeing God is one of the oldest theological matters that has always been considered by religions, and school of human thoughts. In Islam, the Ash'arites, as the largest theological sect of the Tradition, have a unique view in this regard and consider it im More
        The topic of seeing God is one of the oldest theological matters that has always been considered by religions, and school of human thoughts. In Islam, the Ash'arites, as the largest theological sect of the Tradition, have a unique view in this regard and consider it impossible to see God with the bare eye in this world, but it is allowed in hereafter. It uses philosophical and mystical teachings to make this impossible. During our time, Allama Tabatabie Provided the most accurate analysis on the subject of relying on the divine nature of human, removing the veil, and the subject of intuition. In this article, which is of evidence type and its method, content analysis and clarification is of comparative type, for the first time, the point of view of Allama Helli, who has argued in this regard and devoted many of his works to himself compare to the view of Ash'arites. Therefore, he compares the views of the eleventh century theologian (Allama Helli) with the fifteenth century commentator (Allama Tabatabaie) which shows the evolution of philosophical and interpretive theological view during these four centuries. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A comparative study of miracles from the point of view of Mulla Sadra and Lahiji
        Abbas  Asad Abadi
        The discussion of the miracles of the prophets is one of the important theological topics that has been receiving the attention of Imamiyya theologians for a long time. There are different views on this matter. This article seeks to explain the miracles of the Prophet More
        The discussion of the miracles of the prophets is one of the important theological topics that has been receiving the attention of Imamiyya theologians for a long time. There are different views on this matter. This article seeks to explain the miracles of the Prophets from the perspective of Abdul Razzaq Lahiji and Mulla Sadra. express them in this regard. Qur'an's proofs are based on verses such as: 248 Surah Baqarah, 10 Surah Abrahimi, verse 37 of Enam. It has been cited, the difference between Sahar and Miracles and the objectives of the prophets' miracles have been examined from the point of view of Allameh Lahiji and Mulla Sadra, and the reasons for each It has been presented in this regard and some verses of the Quran have been cited to explain this issue. Manuscript profile