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        1 - The religious approach of Darul Uloom Deoband in Afghanistan
        razieh beik khorasani sina foroozesh javad heravi
        <p>The approach of Darul Uloom Deoband goes back to the religious thought of three personalities: Shah Wali Allah Dehlavi, Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlavi and Seyyed Ahmad Barili. The name of this Darul Uloom is taken from the city of Deoband and it was founded on May 30, 1867 More
        <p>The approach of Darul Uloom Deoband goes back to the religious thought of three personalities: Shah Wali Allah Dehlavi, Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlavi and Seyyed Ahmad Barili. The name of this Darul Uloom is taken from the city of Deoband and it was founded on May 30, 1867 by Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanotoi and Rashid Ahmad Gangohi in Saharanpur district, located 150 kilometers north of Delhi. The problem of the present research is, since when the Deobandi approach was formed in Afghanistan and which factors have played a role in the spread of Deobandiism among the people of that country? In this article, the main claim is that the influence of the Deobandi approach has played a significant role in the religious extremism of the Afghan people and has threatened their religious tolerance. This research aims to collect data with the qualitative method and the method of description and analysis. The author has come to the conclusion that Afghans were among its main students since the establishment of Darul Uloom Deoband. At the end of the first year of establishment of Deoband, the number of students reached 78, 58 of them were Afghans and Punjabis. The occupation of Afghanistan by the former Soviet Union and the jihad against them caused the religiosity of the Afghan people to merge with the ideology of the Mujahideen of Arabia, the Brotherhood of Egypt, and the Deobandis of Pakistan, leading to a new approach to religiosity. Currently, the Taliban consider their religious approach to be influenced by Deoband and consider themselves to be the followers of Deoband's Jihadi teachings, and from the position of the religious government, they are seeking to implement the rules of religion.</p> Manuscript profile