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    • List of Articles مولانا

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        1 - The soul travelingtrend in Mo’lana’s mystic meditation
        The school of mysticism and Sufism consists of principles and traditions that reveal the method of behavioral way for truth seekers up in achieving to explain it. Mysticism traveling and good behavior that consist of soul-travelling and self-sense finding trends inspire More
        The school of mysticism and Sufism consists of principles and traditions that reveal the method of behavioral way for truth seekers up in achieving to explain it. Mysticism traveling and good behavior that consist of soul-travelling and self-sense finding trends inspired from the respectful verse” In the near future We will show them Our Signs throughout the universe as well as in their own souls to prove that this Ou’ran is the truth… (Fussilt 53): and other verses and traditions whereof portions of important Persian mysticism sources of Islamic mysticism with rare matchless natural disposition of high degree of standing and ranking. In his works whether verse or prose he has glanced to soul traveling trends of the Great World (Aa’lam-e-Kabir), and self-seeking (Aa’lam-e- Sagh’ir), and he prefers self-seeking which is the study of the world detailed visage to soul seeking trends. He is of mystical persons who for truth-recognizance has also paid attention to metaphors, and regards the world creatures the signs of truth manifestation and beauty. From his point of view-pointing to substance motion- he knows all the cosmos’ constituents in continual motion and change. And his soul seeking trend continues from the phase of inanimate object to the degrees of soul and spirit and up to the arrival in the kingdom of heaven. Mo’lana in his elf-seeking trend, with a deep and influential glance, which he names it “cause of boring”, has passed through the apparent veils of creatures, and he has achieved the observance from creatures to creator, from deed to attribute, and from attribute to viewing the Supreme Being. He behind the apparent facial elements of being, and in Sufism travelling and his self-seeking trend, in the world of possibilities and constitutes has dealt with the observation of the unending and eternal beloved face Manuscript profile
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        2 - Study and analysis of social behavior in Rumi's Masnavi
        Samad  Abbaszadeh Garjan Mohammad Farahmand Ebrahim Danesh Faramarz  Jalalat
        The spiritual Masnavi of the eternal work of Maulana Jalaluddin Mohammad Balkhi as a work of successful literary works of Iran and the world, is a valuable and important example in the history of world literature that by sociological analysis, from the perspective of so More
        The spiritual Masnavi of the eternal work of Maulana Jalaluddin Mohammad Balkhi as a work of successful literary works of Iran and the world, is a valuable and important example in the history of world literature that by sociological analysis, from the perspective of social behavior can provide a lot of information. It was achieved from the social situation and the do's and don'ts that originate from Rumi's thought, experience and social psychology and are interpreted as the idea of social behavior. In this descriptive-analytical study, we will consider the period of the seventh century in which we will deal with social maps, norms and actions and important social categories as well as social institutions. Also, considering the important place of Rumi in literature, culture and history of Iran and his role in explaining mystical and moral teachings, examining his view and approach to social behavior through his works, especially the spiritual Masnavi, seems very necessary. This important point can lead us to Rumi's intellectual sources on social behavior. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Rumi's rational methodology in order to prove human free will in Masnavi
        Abolfazl  Afsharipour reza Haidari Nori reza fahimi
        The issue of determinism and free will is one of the most complex points of theology in the religion of Islam. According to the diverse interpretations of different theological sects and intellectual and religious schools, including mystics, from the verses of the Holy More
        The issue of determinism and free will is one of the most complex points of theology in the religion of Islam. According to the diverse interpretations of different theological sects and intellectual and religious schools, including mystics, from the verses of the Holy Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet; it has been followed different and sometimes contradictory interpretations; to the extent that each of the intellectual societies, including the Ash'arites and Mu’tazilites, have been in constant search to prove their beliefs according to their own intellectual and ideological basis. Meanwhile, Muslim mystics, including Maulana Jalaluddin, due to his great work, Masnavi, mentions one of the strong and convincing reasons in order to prove free will and human will that the use the rational method of the thought power is in absorbing desires and seeking phenomena which is referred to as "common value". By the rational methodology, Rumi seeks to prove the subject of free will and the negation of determinism, and in the light of human free will, he proves the power of thought. The findings of this research, which has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner and based on library and documentary studies, show that the power of thought in human has been considered as a force to prove the power of free will in Rumi's theology. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Content analysis of the component of empathy in achieving peace in the Quran and Meulana's mysticism and Rosenberg's non-violent communication approach
        MARYAM BABAEI Reza Heidari noori mohammadtaghi Ghandi
        <p>In Islam,Emphaty and compassion as one of the most important educational and social goals is one of the most valuable achievements of Islam in society, and it is considered as the axis of unity, the result of which is peace. During the past and present ages, great th More
        <p>In Islam,Emphaty and compassion as one of the most important educational and social goals is one of the most valuable achievements of Islam in society, and it is considered as the axis of unity, the result of which is peace. During the past and present ages, great thinkers have also addressed the issue of empathy as a way to achieve peace, such as Maulana in the seventh century and contemporary thinkers; Dr. Marshall Rosenberg. Based on this, the basic issue of the current research is the question of empathy and this research is about it, with a theoretical study in the way of library research on the Qur'an, the Masnavi of Maulana , and also empathy in the West by examining the psychologist Marshall's point of view. Rosenberg examines the concept of empathy And by emphasizing the analytical-descriptive method, answer the question of how the mentioned views look at empathy and to what extent they are aligned, influenced or different from each other. The findings of the present research show that special attention has been paid to the subject of empathy in the Quran And Maulana, influenced by the Holy Qur'an, has paid attention to this issue in his Masnavi, and Rosenberg, as a psychologist who was also a scholar of Maulana, considered empathy so important that he considers it a factor to achieve peace. Peace is a human need in every It is periodic.</p> Manuscript profile
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        5 - The world of light in the poetry of Rumi and Suhrawardi
        mohammad thaghi khammar behrouz romiani mostafa salari
        <p>The innovations and innovations of Rumi, the famous Iranian poet and mystic, have made him especially prominent among Iranian poets. The symbolism of cities, in his works, is one of his most beautiful works. In a general division, the symbolic cities mentioned in Rum More
        <p>The innovations and innovations of Rumi, the famous Iranian poet and mystic, have made him especially prominent among Iranian poets. The symbolism of cities, in his works, is one of his most beautiful works. In a general division, the symbolic cities mentioned in Rumi's works can be classified into two categories: "City of Light" and "City of Darkness". In Suhrawardi's works, the same procedure can be seen in the form of Suhrawardi's allegories and specific symbols. This research, which is based on the theory of comparative literature, shows that two prominent Iranian thinkers, while benefiting from Iranian and Islamic sources, have created different contexts from the perspective of symbolism.</p> Manuscript profile