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    • List of Articles عرفانی

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        1 - The role of the Quran on Science of the theology in the method
        Each science has the method or means by which it achieves its goals, There are some sciences of a single method, like philosophy, and some are some other methods. The Science of the theology, which is responsible for explaining religious doctrines and answers to doubts, More
        Each science has the method or means by which it achieves its goals, There are some sciences of a single method, like philosophy, and some are some other methods. The Science of the theology, which is responsible for explaining religious doctrines and answers to doubts, Various views have been presented on the one or more methods of theology of theology from different theological religions, For example, the Ahl al-Hadith selected the narrative method and the Mu'tazilites chose the rational method. But referring to the Qur'an shows that to explain religious teachings, we must use different methods. The author in this article will show that must use the science of the theology of all possible methods, example: narrative iIcludes Quran and Traditions, rational includes reason and even definitive philosophical principles, experimental and sensory, intuitive. This claim is in contradiction to the claims of some who regard the science of the theology as certain metaphors as quoted and experimental Manuscript profile
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        2 - (The Ontological Foundations of man's Intervening stage in Islamic filasafy and Mysticism (‘Irfān
        zhuir al-jashhi Ahmad saeidi مهدی ایمانی مقدم
        What is the truth and dignity of man as manifestation of the divine name of the cosmic world? The ontology of Islamic mysticism is based on the personal unity of existence and the multiplicity of appearances of existence. What is the effect of this look on mystical anth More
        What is the truth and dignity of man as manifestation of the divine name of the cosmic world? The ontology of Islamic mysticism is based on the personal unity of existence and the multiplicity of appearances of existence. What is the effect of this look on mystical anthropology? According to this view, there is an absolute existence, which has manifested numerous manifestations and has perfected itself in detail. The truth of man is the first absolute determination or the first appearance of the transcendence, but man (complete), in addition to the first determination, is also present in other modes of being, and therefore, unlike the first determination, and contrary to other general and partial definitions, the unity of truth is manifested And give her countless compromises. Human being is the only advent of the Imam which is the right to assimilate all the names and attributes of God, and equivocal (without one over another), and so to speak, is the divination between the truth and the creation or interruption of unity and plurality. In this article, we examine the most important ontological foundations of Islamic mysticism, which leads to a particular type of anthropology, and many works and topics in verbal topics. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Investingation and analysis of mystical contradictions in sonnets of Asiri Lahiji
        Maryam  Pirasteh samera rostami Mohammad Ali  Atash Soda
        One of the salient features of mystical poems is the expression of lofty mystical thoughts by using mystical reciprocal elements. These reciprocalities are mainly derived from the experiences and inner revelations of mystical poets who have expressed them by dying from More
        One of the salient features of mystical poems is the expression of lofty mystical thoughts by using mystical reciprocal elements. These reciprocalities are mainly derived from the experiences and inner revelations of mystical poets who have expressed them by dying from the material world and receiving the truth. Asiri Lahiji is one of the mystic poets of the ninth century AH, whose reciprocal elements are well reflected in his poems; This means that he has defined his mystical experiences in the form of paradoxical themes for the audience, and this important thing is rooted in his intellectual contemplation and expresses his practical mysticism. Among his poems, his lyric poems contain long mystical themes in which the poet describes them in a paradoxical way. The main purpose of this descriptive-analytical research is to investigate mystical contrasts in Lahiji captive lyric poems. The results of the research show that the difference between reason and love, pain and treatment, connection and sorrow, unity and plurality, essence and attributes, names and attributes, manifestations of romantic and ascetic Sufism, annihilation and survival, existence and non-existence are the most frequent reciprocal themes in these lyric poems. They are poets. In all cases, each of the reciprocal elements complements the opposite element; In other words, these reciprocal themes seem to contradict each other, but inwardly they are one and pursue the same goal. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Analysis of children's characters regarding the importance of childhood in Attar's Tazkereh al-Awliya
        arezo hagigi seyed mohsen sajedirad mohamad ali atashsowda
        Tazkirat al-Awliyā is one of the valuable mystical works in which Attar Neyshapouri introduces the Sufi saints by mentioning their sayings, anecdotes and wise narrations. A majority of this book consists of narratives about the life and characteristics of saints with a More
        Tazkirat al-Awliyā is one of the valuable mystical works in which Attar Neyshapouri introduces the Sufi saints by mentioning their sayings, anecdotes and wise narrations. A majority of this book consists of narratives about the life and characteristics of saints with a narrative structure. In these narratives, there are other relatively fixed characters besides the saints, one of whom are children. they have two different faces in the inner layers of their characters; sometimes they are children in their own sense; sometimes they are identical to the characters of "the Old" and "unseen language". Using purposive sampling method and content analysis, in this article we investigate the manifestations of children's characters in Tazkirat al-Awliyā and at the same time, examine the childhood, the saints' views towards children, and different manifestations of children's characters and their roles in this mystical narrative. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Mystical expressions and interpretations in Forsat-ol doleh poetic works
        monavar sadraei seyed mohsen sajedirad samera rostami
        Islamic theosophy demonstrates the cultural, social, national and religious essence of a country which gives beauty to the works of poets and consequently acts as a valuable artistic heritage which posterity benefit from.Meanwhile the existing article investigates and d More
        Islamic theosophy demonstrates the cultural, social, national and religious essence of a country which gives beauty to the works of poets and consequently acts as a valuable artistic heritage which posterity benefit from.Meanwhile the existing article investigates and describes mystical terms in the poetical works of Forsat ol Doleh. The research method is described to be descriptive-analytical. As a result, The aim and purpose of this article is to demonstrate and determine the usage method of mystical terms. So, the results demonstrate that Forsat has added new concepts to vocabularies like previous poets and used them in mystical interpretations and expressions such as love spring, love wall, love springe and love imagination. We conclude that Forsat is among those poets who has used pub-like expressions in serval places and created several significant combinations. We can imply that one of these expressions is astute which forms some combinations as tavern astute, arc-burning astute, bowl eating astute, clear-sighted astute and stable astute. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Analysisi Abu Saeed Abolkhair and Abolghasem Ghoshiri's view on the components of mystical education
        Keyhan  Kohandel Samira  Rostami seyed mohsen sajedirad
        Abu Sa'id Abu al-Khair and Abu al-Qasim al-Qashiri are both elders of the sect who have spent many years of their lives refining and educating seekers. This research in a library method and descriptive-analytical method intends to evaluate the components of mystical edu More
        Abu Sa'id Abu al-Khair and Abu al-Qasim al-Qashiri are both elders of the sect who have spent many years of their lives refining and educating seekers. This research in a library method and descriptive-analytical method intends to evaluate the components of mystical education such as old age, remembrance, listening, sincerity, generosity and patience in the educational method of Abu Saeed Abu al-Khair and Abolghasem Qashiri based on the books of Asrar al-Tawhid and Risaleh. Arrange for conduct. The findings of the research show that from the point of view of these two mystics, the seeker should first have the limit of moral and educational quorum and then choose the aging path that is adorned with the attributes of piety, generosity and humility. Both mystics have accepted dhikr as one of the etiquettes of conduct and have considered its types and etiquettes; however, in Qushiri mystical rites, this seems more difficult. Abu Sa'id considers hearing to be one of the principles of his mystical education and it is the food of the soul; But Qashiri does not have a positive view of hearing. Abu Sa'id and Abu al-Qasim al-Qashiri consider sincerity and avoiding hypocrisy as conditions for conduct. Abu Sa'id considers sincerity as a secret and a joke of Altaf al-Haqq, and with a language mixed with humor, shows the nature of hypocrisy that destroys human originality and individual and social calamities. Qashiri also often expresses the importance of sincerity in the language of mystics or in the form of anecdotes indirectly. Abu Saeed and Abu al-Qasim Qashiri consider the forgiveness of the sheikh and the disciple important in mystical education; In particular, in most of the stories of Asrar al-Tawhid, there is talk of Abu Sa'id's forgiveness, and he should be called Sheikh Sakha, and Qashiri enumerates for forgiveness, types such as generosity in body, reward and wealth. Finally, Abu Sa'id and Abu al-Qasim al-Qashiri consider patience to be necessary in the face of the sheikh, the orders and prohibitions of the sheikh, and the misfortunes of the path of conduct, and teach patience to their followers and those around them through their behavior such as patience and gratitude for the death of a child. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Investigation of mystical authorities (repentance, patience, reza, piety and trust) In the works of Imam Khomeini and Imam Mohammad Ghazali
        Jamal  Salehzadeh Seyed Jasem  Pejhohandeh Aliyar  Hosseini
        Mystical authorities have been one of the most important movements of human perfection towards the essence of the existence of creation and the theology of the followers of this path. One of the most important issues in this study was the study of the mystical approach More
        Mystical authorities have been one of the most important movements of human perfection towards the essence of the existence of creation and the theology of the followers of this path. One of the most important issues in this study was the study of the mystical approach of Imam Mohammad Ghazali and Imam Khomeini in relation to mystical authorities, especially authorities (repentance, patience, consent, piety and trust). The findings of the present study show that these two great worlds, with a philosophical, moral and mystical aspect as well as a Quranic and narrative approach, have explained the said mystical authorities, although in some cases, and especially in details, there are differences. The method of collecting information in this research was library and the method of processing was descriptive and analytical. It is associated with differences in views and especially Imam Khomeini's critique of the works and views of Imam Mohammad Ghazali, and due to the long time interval between the life of Imam Mohammad Ghazali and Imam Khomeini and due to the continuation and development of mystical approaches by other mystics and benefit and The development of Imam Khomeini's mystical views under his influence, he has been able to provide more comprehensive views of mystics before these mystical authorities. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Human conditions and existential issues in the logic of al-Tahirattar
        Ali Akbar  Yousefi Naser Mohseni Nia Reza Sami Zadeh Mehdi ّFayyaz
        Existential conditions are the creations of existentialist philosophers; But other schools of thought have also dealt with it without mentioning the existence of the state. One of these schools is Islamic mysticism, which is considered to be one of the main characterist More
        Existential conditions are the creations of existentialist philosophers; But other schools of thought have also dealt with it without mentioning the existence of the state. One of these schools is Islamic mysticism, which is considered to be one of the main characteristics of thinking about human beings and human states of being. Human states and existential issues such as happiness, sadness, loneliness, faith, hope, death, etc. have been the subject of many texts of Islamic mysticism. Such issues and topics are among the important human issues and topics, and every human being thinks about them in every place and time and is involved with them. Knowledge of man and his condition is one of the most important topics raised in the works of Muslim mystics. In the works of mystical literature, special attention has been paid to the status, characteristics and condition of human beings as the highest of creations. One of the most important works of Persian mystical literature is the logic of al-Tahir Attar. Throughout this system, detailed references have been made to the characteristics and conditions of human existence, the extraction and explanation of which will lead to a greater understanding of Attar's thoughts and Islamic mysticism. In this essay, with a descriptive and analytical method, after examining the existential issues of man from the point of view of existentialists and Attar, we came to the conclusion that despite the similarity of Attar's opinions with existentialists about man and his existential condition, since Attar has a monotheistic and mystical vision of man and human issues. It looks like there are differences between his thoughts and existentialists. In Attar's thought, the type of existence of a person is the result of his relationship with his God, not just the experiences he acquires during his life. Manuscript profile
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        9 - An explanation of some mystical authorities such as Sabr, Annihilation, according to Imam Khomeini's mystical view of martyrdom
        Mustafa  Hamed Nejad maryam bakhthyar Aliyar  Hosseini
        Irfan is one of the ways to know the truth, it means to reach the god, to become immortal in him and to believe in the truth without seeing anything except him, not to hear anything except his words, to go beyond the knowledge of the divine, to go beyond the ain of t More
        Irfan is one of the ways to know the truth, it means to reach the god, to become immortal in him and to believe in the truth without seeing anything except him, not to hear anything except his words, to go beyond the knowledge of the divine, to go beyond the ain of the divine and to rely on the exalted position of the divine and to transcend the realm of appearances. . Imam Khomeini (may Allah be pleased with him) is the greatest mystic of his age, who, in addition to his jurisprudence and religion, had a scholarly view in the field of mysticism and has written and can write many works in this field. It can be said that mystical views are well tied to other areas such as politics. Ando says from here that one of the important issues in the subject of mysticism is the examination of mystical authorities and the description of their different degrees. Reh) is related to mystical authorities relying on patience and mortality. The present research is done with a descriptive-analytical approach and referring to library sources, especially the sources related to the views of Imam Khomeini (RA) by stating the degrees of each of the responsible officials and tried to reflect on those officials by relying on the mysticism of certain works. Imam Khomeini should be explained correctly. Manuscript profile